Africa had plenty of natural resources in 7th century such as gold, ivory, ebony, incense, and animal skin (leopard); therefore, African Arts has been used with natural resources like the artwork ‘Ornament’ and ‘the Palace Altar’. Some of Islamic Arts spread to the South Africa, and it affected African Arts.
Both ‘Ornament’ and ‘the Palace Altar’ are royalty remains in 10sth century and the very valuable remains of the country. ‘Ornament’ belongs to the queen and ‘the Palace Altar’ belongs to the king. They have been made with natural resources like ‘Ornament’ made with gold and ‘the Palace Altar’ made with ebony and ivory. They are also the symbols of the country and used in important matters. Each of these has symbolic meanings and added part of the animal body which are found easily in Africa.

It is interesting to see the artwork with ebony and ivory materials. The color and texture of each material are smooth and very fantastic. I want to have some chance to sculpt with materials.