Artist Maya Lin and Vincent Van Gogh are famous and brilliant artists in the world. Maya was using a 452 ’ length of wall and psychological world to express her thoughts and views of meaning of the memorial. Vincent used feelings and ideas to express the nature and daily life. They have different subjects and material like a clock and sandy clock to express their art but some part of their artwork are similar.
Both Artist May and Vincent’s artworks are very creative. Both they are used new technique to express art. For instance, Maya used wall to express her wall, and Vincent left brush the texture of the picture. So, their picture can come freshly to the visitors. Additionally, their art works have special meaning. Maya’s art work means the connection between our world and the underworld, and Vincent’s art work means new born of people into brilliant star. I like their way to express art.
Maya is the first task of artists who create place for human purpose. Maya was a daughter of ceramist, and she built her character as architecture with hand down some skill of ceramic from her dad. Base on her career, she started to construct the Vietnam Veteran Memorial through v-shaped wall of black granite when she was only twenty two years old and undergraduate students of Yale University. Her artwork’ Vietnam Veteran Memorial’ shows her spirit and hard work to represent the honor of her country’s veterans and remark their brave and their great work for us. In addition, there were not entrance and exit, so anybody can come close to wall through grass or small road. Visitors have the opportunity to touch the name on the wall and can feel some of the veterans who fight for the country. It also has all their names include missing and dead veterans. Top of her art work means hope, healing, and reconciliation when the bottom of her art work means valley of death. Therefore, she tried to show the connection between our world and the underworld through her art work. Vincent is the second task of tangible from by feelings and ideas. He was born as a son of a minister and lived some years as a minister. He started art in late 20s’ for a career by recommend of his brother, Theo. His art work is active and colorful unlike Maya’s art work. In his art work ‘Starry Weight’, each element of world like the wind has several mixture colors with both light and dark colors and round textures by brush. Dark color presents depress and sadness and it is related to Artist Vincent’s emotional status and thoughts. It seems he had negative mood. In his drawing, star described as a newborn by people after their death. It might explain that he has some belief of afterlife or he wanted to express his hope to have a brilliant life to avoid his darkness life.I am happy to see their art works and learn the meanings. I hope to be able to draw meaningful pictures in new technique like them but I am not good at creative as they are.
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