Artist Vasily Kandinsky and Rebecca Purdum are interesting artists in this chapter. They were born and lived in 20th century world that Picasso was famous with his representational and abstract artworks. They built up different view about art and use different techniques which called nonrepresentational or nonobjective art. Their art works are very fantastic and creative. As I said above, their art works are based on nonobjective art like ‘Swinging’ by Vasily and ‘Chin up’ by Rebecca. Their art works are very colorful and do not have specific objects for representation. Additionally, their art works have color contrast between light and dark colors like mixing red paint with black paint or placed the light colors near the dark colors without middle colors between black and light colors. Moreover, their paintings are not smooth; their paintings are either sharp or unclear. These kinds of painting make me feel like I do not finish or complete any of my daily activities.
Vasily’s art work ‘Swinging’ is based on comparison between nonobjective painting and music as his other artworks. As he thinks that ‘music does not represent anything outside itself and compose of sounds and pitches over time’, he believes ‘nonrepresentational art would capable of affection people deeply’. Therefore, he preferred to compose of colors, forms, lines, and mathematical shapes such as triangle and rectangle into his art work ‘Swing’. As his believe, it is helpful to imagining another world which is full with mathematical shapes unlike the real world. This picture also seems to represent hidden self inside our mind.
Unlike Vasily’s ‘Swinging’, Rebecca’s ‘Chin Up’ does not have shapes, forms, and lines, just fills out with only colors based on her own experience about her mentally handicapped siblings. Her painting is very colorful like it represents her life and feelings with her siblings. The light paints like yellow and red paints represent her family and she happily life time; the dark paints like black and green paints represent their depress life time; the mixing colors between light and dark paints like light green or brown represent both happily and depress like time at the same time or just ordinary life time. Their art works are very amazing. I never think to use mathematical shapes and music to express art work. I think I had a stereotype of art, and it is time to break down my stereotype for art.
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