Artist El Anatsui and Josiah McElheny are second favorite artists in this chapter. Artist El took the formal inspiration form then textiles and worked with metal. Artist Josiah took inspiration from the conversation between sculptor Isamu and visionary architect and designer Buckminster.
Artist El and Josiah’s artworks ‘Sasa’ and ‘Extended Landscape Model for Total Reflexive Abstraction’ have some similarities. Both artworks have some patterns and used unfamiliar art materials but live materials such as metals or the mirrors. The surface on their artworks are very smooth and shiny.
Artist El’s artworks ‘Sasa’ are made by the aluminums and copper wires and hang out on the wall like long fabric. Right side has almost one color of aluminums in one pattern when left side has diverse colors of aluminum in diversity patterns like dots and rectangle. Some parts of it are wrinkled and bent. Bottom part of it has only one shape (dot) unlike the upper and middle part of it. Its total appearance is similar to the appearance of the Kente that Africa America made for something.
Unlike Artist El, Artist Josiah’s artwork ‘Extended Landscape Model for Total Reflexive Abstraction’ is in solid form. It has only one color in diversity shapes such as donuts, half round, and etc. Its interesting fact it that it does not have any shadow. All figures in this artist’s artwork are made by the mirror; and it makes entire figures on the flat mirror are reflecting. Furthermore, its brightness can be changed by the angle and degree of the light. It is very interesting art pieces.I still cannot imagine that the metal can look like reflective fabric in diverse colors. It must necessary the talent hand skill to create it.
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