Artist David Smith and Roxy Paine are creative artists in this chapter. They also have an amazing talent for a sculpture. They used a material-steel- that are never used for art works before. The steel usually used as a furniture, tools, and transportations create ‘Cubi 12’ and ‘Conjoined’.
Artist Smith and Roxy’s art works have some similarities. Both they are used ‘steel’ to create their art works and created their art works into three-dimensional from as ‘Cubi12’ and ‘Conjoined’. Therefore, an audience can enjoy a different view of their art works depending on the side that they are standing. For example, the audience will see two squares and a large rectangle only as a view if standing on the right side in the photo of ‘Cubi 12’. Additionally, they used a beauty of the steel well under the sun. Under the sun, their art works are more shiny and beautiful than jewelry; it might light up the audience’s mind and emotion.
Artist Smith used a geometric shape such as diamonds, squares, and rectangles on his artwork, ‘Cubi 12’. He built each geometric figure one by one as beside. It seems very simple and does not have special as an art; however, its appearance of sunlight is different. By the sunlight, each figure has different colors such as light silver, middle silver, and dark silver, and can see the reflection of a figure form other figure. Moreover, a tower by geometric figures in different sizes gives precarious balance with adroitness match. An idea about his artwork is very brilliant and interesting.
Unlike Artist Smith’s artwork ‘Cubi 12’, Artist Roxy’s artwork ‘conjoined’ didn't form into geometric shapes. ‘Conjoined’ used the tree shape as the natural form. In ‘Conjoined’, there are two trees in different position standing on the grass as the real trees. The steel trees in the middle of the real trees and on the grass give fresh feeling and feel steel trees are real trees in different type. Furthermore, the branches from two different steel trees connecting each other as a couple or the soldiers at the battle. As a couple, it seems to dance. As the soldiers, it seems to fight against each other with weapons. It is interesting that tree can see in several different views by just the position of the steel trees.I wonder that there are more art works as above in different raw materials. It will be fun to search some raw materials which can use together to create a new artwork.
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