Arts in Virtual World
Art keeps on developing over the centuries and approaches more to the real every day. In the past, art was not interested as now because it
was a flat, no depth. Also, there was just an ordinary appearance under traditional art. Present art is very realistic and feel like there is another word like wonder world beside this world. For example, the movie called ’Avatar’; it is new movies in the present world. The backgrounds on the movie film look close to the real. The natures have depths, shapes, and details as the natures s in the real world. The diversity colors in this movie attach closely to the real world. The main character even has similar appearance with human and has its own characteristics; therefore, it seems like this kind of creature really
in its own world and our world and its world just blocking by a piece of the wall. Beside Movie’ Avatar’, the Movie’ Nemo’ also close to the real world. There are vivid colors on characters and backgrounds and talking animals. The movement of speaking and swimming by fish characters are very smooth and flexible as a living fish. Additionally, the art can look real by angle and shape. ‘Steel tree’ on the grass looks real; it bents in same degree with real tree, get smaller from the bottom of a trunk to the branches, and dancing branches. Length of the steel tree is also same with real trees, and sunlight supports its appearance. Some part of the steel tree is dark or light depending on the direction of the sunlight with some shadow on the dark side as the real trees. It is interesting that some materials such as steel turn into the artistic figure that looks like real. 
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